馬總統明飛太平島 慰勞駐島人員. I hope you said it, then you are going to do it well! [Martin Chu say so! ]

Posted on January 27, 2016
Filed Under Analysis_and_predictions, Leadership, Need_to_review_in_future, Political, Situation_room | Leave a Comment


Quoted source from http://udn.com/news/story/1/1469174


[Please make sure you have done a good job in this trip and 記者會.
Don't screw it up, please!
You did not do many great things while you are the President of Republic of China in Taiwan!]。

馬總統赴太平島 民進黨婉拒派員隨行


[Martin Chu's comment] national interest should be defended by real strength, and supplement with foreign pocilcy and diplomatic skill and negotiation. There will never be just being a nice pupil and student can get and keep what you want. There is always whoever is more powerful that set up the rules of the game. Then even after setup the rules of game, some policy makers also selectively follow the rules and imterpret the rules toward their interest. Did I imply some countries or wall street super power compay or some corrupted government officials. You go to figure it out!

Have you prepared for all possible situations? Did you ask Defense Department to fully understand how and what kind of weapon, ships, airplane submarines, locations, arm fire range, arm force near this South China Sea? Or you just think, they are prepared. What should I tell you. Don’t be just Mr. Nice Guy all the time. Mr. Nice Guy can never get great thing done!

In case for a small military conflict, how and to what exten we want to get involve. We need to avoid any war but in case that happen, ROC need to win and win it big to gain visibility and reputation. Anything less will be nightmare for Taiwan’s future!

對於總統馬英九計畫前往太平島,美國在台辦事處表示「我們感到失望(We are disappointed that President gasterMa Ying-jeou plans to travel to Taiping Island)」 。AIT發言人游詩雅表示,此行動不僅極無助益,也無法為南海紛爭的和平解決做出貢獻。

游詩雅表示,美國呼籲台灣和所 聲索方降低緊張,而非採取可能升高緊張的舉動,我們相信,所有聲索方皆應各自停止進一步填海造陸、開發新設施和前哨軍事化,以降低緊張,並為紛爭的和平解決創造空間。
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source: http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20160123004322-260407








If you cannot keep whatever still under your control, then what else that you can keep and control!
Don’t tell me that you want to have freedom, prosperity, justice, and democracy, if you are not willing and determined to fiercely defend what you have now! This is to my dear people in Taiwan.

I always say that a great country can never be created by a group of coward and self-serving people!
This is as true for a strong and admired nation can never come from a nation of people get used to 跪地上和磕頭的, 和不思考的民族! Do I need to say any more!>


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